ТАРАС ЛИТВИНЕНКО   :::::::::: биография ::::::::::

Main Entry: clone(I)
Pronunciation: 'klOn
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek klOn twig, slip; akin to Greek klan to break
Date: 1903
1 a : the aggregate of the asexually produced progeny of an individual; also : a group of replicas of all or part of a macromolecule (as DNA or an antibody)
b : an individual grown from a single somatic cell of its parent and genetically identical to it
2 : one that appears to be a copy of an original form
- clon.al /'klO-n[^&]l/ adjective
- clon.al.ly /-n[^&]l-E/ adverb

Main Entry: clone(II)
Function: verb
Date: circa 1948
Inflected Form(s): cloned; clon.ing
transitive senses
1 : to propagate a clone fromМ 2 : to make a copy of intransitive senses : to produce a clone


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